updated 2024

the CREW

Syrrahstanthalus Benjiro-Amras aka Syrrah

Cerberus Project Delf 

LE Elf Lishe, ver. 1   #67 of 68  

white resin / 22 inches tall 

faceup by Jay’s Petite Salon, 2018
18mm dark green def. eyes 

brown wigs
arrived: April 11, 2005
gift: healing 

Mountain Clan 

146 year-old elf

Vanni’s wife / Pica/Ico’s mother

Zyfan’s sister 

 occupation: Healer

debut story:   013

Back Story

Born next in line to the throne of the United Elvin Nations, this princess chose to make her own destiny. Against her parents wishes, Syrrah volunteered to be tested by the Daughters of IlluminatA. No one was more surprised than she when she passed. She entered the sisterhood and trained in the healing arts. She rose to the level of High Priestess and traveled to many lands helping those in need. Still, her parents tried to interfere in her life and bring her back to Court. So, Syrrah left the Elvin realm and disappeared into the home of the Lady with the Dog, where she met her husband, Vanni.


When she was younger, Syrrah had a premonition about her future mate. He would live in a far away land, from the 

A Daughter, twice

When Syrrah arrived in the home of the Lady with the Dog she met Vanni.  They had instant chemistry. They dated and were married. Nine months later, their daughter, Pica was born.  Pica would learn to be a time traveller, like her father. Soon, her future self would come to visit and stay. She prefers  to be called Lita. 

future, and be gifted. He would complete her and free her from all past ties. 

When Syrrah arrived in this realm, she was on the run, so she stayed hidden in case her family’s spies were nearby. Grace discovered her and was happy to keep her presence a secret until Syrrah was felt safe. Always the chatterbox, Grace told her new friend all about the occupants in the house. When she spoke of a talented artist named Vanni, Syrrah knew instinctively that he was the one from her premonition.

What Syrrah didn’t know was that Vanni had met her before. When he first began time traveling, he accidentally found  himself in the Elvin realm where he first saw her. They didn’t speak at the time, but he never forgot her.  


Syrrah genuinely likes Karanthir. She thinks he's a wonderful influence on her brother, Zyfan, who led a very sheltered life until he met this outrageous half-vampire. Syrrah is hoping that with the help of Karanthir, Zyfan will be better prepared for his life as the One.


Syrrah had Es put under a sleep spell after she attacked and nearly killed Zyfan. Syrrah felt she was too dangerous to be managed. Later, she found out that Es has been under the influence of a magic potion that triggered the attack. Now Syrrah feels she owes Es, and wants vey much to make it up to her. 


Syrrah worries that her younger brother is not cut out to be the One (king of the United Elven Nation).  As the One, Zyfan’s life will be dictated to him. She's been trying to build his confidence so he'll be able to stand up to the high council.  Zyfan thinks she just wants to see him happy. He obeys her without question. 


-  was the first one to meet Syrrah when arrived in the home of the Lady with the Dog.  Since then the two have shared a very special relationship. Syrrah enjoys Grace's company so much so that when she returned to her elvin realm to prepare for the birth of her daughter, she took Grace with her.


Zyfan introduced Racolo to Syrrah, years ago,  during the Festival of the Flowers, a fertility celebration in the Elvin realm. Syrrah and Roc enjoyed a brief romance and parted as friends.

Syrrah’s faceups through the years

… on her wedding day

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