
Magic exists in all the lands, however it is strongest in the Elvin realm. All elves are born with magical abilities. It is more obvious in some. Most excel in one specific area. Fewer humans tend to have magical gifts and when they do, it runs in their family. Many humans that are gifted are unaware of it, so their powers remain dormant. Others will show signs of it when they reach puberty. Like elves, they also tend to excel in a specific area of magic. 

Magic Users Among the Crew


Elementalist: has the ability 

to draw power directly 

from nature and control it.
example: lightening bolts


Animal Charmer: instinctively  communicates with animals.


Seeker: born with 

supernatural powers 

used to hunt vampires who were once human.

* Chinatsu

Time Traveler: her parents built a time travel device for each of their children. She has experienced life in the 2030s, 1910s and, now.  


Clairvoyant: perceives true events in the past and future.

Empath:  feels another’s emotions. 


Herbalist: a natural gardener and expert in the study of plants, which includes knowledge of their healing and magical properties.


Sorceress: performs all forms of magic. Unfortunately, she’s unstable due to her accidentally being placed 

under a youth spell by Trey.

* Herita

Potions Master: excels in the art of combining magical components together to create specific potions. Once created, anyone can use them. 

* Io 

Genie: a magical entity linked to an object, serving its 

owner. His destiny is tied to
the ruling or first family. Io has been freed and is now human.


instictively knows things about other people and places which he happily uses to manipulate a situation. 


Blinks: the ability to teleport himself at will. 


born with a supernatural photogenic memory, her knowledge is vast, because of this she was placed under a youth spell by Xyla.


has the ability to see the truth. He sees magic in its original form. He also gets glimpses of the future. 

* Qualina

Sorceress: performs all forms of magic. In her later years,  

she became an expert on vampires. 


Practitioner of  Wiccan spells, rituals and techniques.   

* Usagi 

Necromancer:  has control 

over the dead and undead, 

is immune to vampire bites
and cannot be turned.


Time Traveler:  his parents built a time travel device for each of their children. Vanni originally
came to the Crew from the year 2040.


Fairy: a small, mischievous, magical being from the land  
of the Fae,  uses wands to enhance her powers.


Dragon: most powerful of all magical beings.  She walks the realms in the guise of a human girl in search of her kind. She recruited Trey to assist her. 


Portals - magical pathways that allow one to get from one place to another within seconds. Once a portal is created, all one needs to do is know where it is, and anyone, including non-magic uses, can access it. 

example: Racolo has created a portal from the the Crew’s home to Magick School. 

Runes  -  a writing system with magical powers. Runes can predict the future, counteract harmful forces, provide qualities to a person or object, can be used in incantations, curses and spells or as talismans. 

example: Racolo uses rune tattoos for various reasons.

* no longer living in the home of the Lady with the Dog


Mage, gifted  in Spell Writing - once written, anyone with the skills can cast it. 

An expert in Runes.


Healer.  She uses her powers to cure illnesses, injuries and imbalances of the mind. Also has the gift of foresight.

* Trey

Magical Archaeologist and patriarch to a magical family. His magic is limited, but his knowledge vast. Placed under 

a youth spell by Xyla.   


Lady with the Dog where the Prince & the Vamp reside